My rating: 5 of 5 stars
How does an author so seamlessly and relevantly write a story about a cult and the apocalypse? Somehow, Tosca Lee did so.
Working on two timelines, the story unfolds. It begins with Wynter being excommunicated from the cult environment she had been part of since the age of 6. Her mother brought her and her older sister to this "haven" to escape her abusive husband. At the age of 23, Wynter finds herself outside the gates and shunned.
The second storyline begins with Wynter, her mother, and sister entering the cult and joining. It continues, alternating between present time as Wynter grows older and ties the stories together very well. While the backstory is building, Wynter finds herself in a world where people are suddenly getting sick, losing their minds, and quickly dying. She joins forces with a stranger, who I would have liked to know more about his story, but it is up to them to solve this mystery. The backstory and the current story catch up to one another and Wynter finds herself in possession of something that could be very helpful.
I couldn't put it down. Really well written and paced.
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