Zery is nearly a century old. She is a good queen who values the Amazon tribe. Her character was established in the first book of series, Amazon Ink
This answers my first question as to why Amazons are all women. They aren't. Male children have previously been maimed or killed. The second question, of course, is where do they find a mate? Again, they don't. They simply use a strong male human for perpetuating the race.
The earlier book established the Amazon way of life, values, and nomadic lifestyle. It also established that the Amazons stopped the barbaric practice of killing or maiming their male young. They would simply grow up stupid and strong. Unfortunately for the women, they grew up gifted and organized. Still, they were half human and half Amazon. Except there are a few Super Sons - sons of Sons and Amazon women. But this is really the story of the first book, although the second book spends a good deal of time catching the reader up to speed by explaining the events from Book 1.
This time around, Zery is the protagonist, as opposed to Mel, the priestess in the first book who left the tribe to join the human society. This leaves the tribe without a priestess until Thea arrives. Thea possesses a challenging personality. This is contrary to the Amazon followers. When the council speaks, the queen does as she is told. When the queen speaks, the tribe jump. But Thea seems to not understand the societal mores. She sets Zery up take a fall and takes over the tribe.
Thea's antagonistic character is somewhat predictable from her introduction. She is manipulative and individual (herself) minded, rather than the tribe. Zery seems to be a little on the slow-witted side when it comes to Thea which surprised me. She's very old and has had experience with humans.
Regardless of the predictability of Thea's character, the story picks up and provides a few unexpected twists and turns along with a possible future love interest.
The author does an excellent job of explaining the Amazon tribe, intermingled with a solid storyline. She includes not only myth but adds the interesting twist of the story being present day rather than past tense. The Amazon women are descendants of the god Ares and the nympth, Otrera, while they worship the Artemis. They possess the magnifying power from their god, making them strong and powerful. They are obedient to their leader and value the Amazon tribe over the individual. That trait is the conflict for Zery as she is forced to explore the Amazon values.
I liked the book overall. There were a few times during the story that I found myself searching back in the pages to find who was who and the relationship she had to Zery. The Amazons travel in packs so there were quite a few characters to follow. I found this aspect irritating yet necessary to fully tell the story.
It is crucial to read the preface of this book, as it summarizes Amazon Ink
which sets up Amazon Queen
. Which clearly sets up the next book.
Urban Lit is a new genre for me. I'm still discovering its uniqueness, although it is the genre often found in a teen's backpack, which brings me to a very important and defining factor for this book; I would not protest to having my teenage daughter read it. The Amazons are warriors and nomads. Although sex is implied as it is necessary to procreate, it is absent. There is some sensuality but the author has created the Amazons as a warrior tribe who occasionally dabble to perpetuate the race. Language is mild except for one "f" bomb.
Pocket Books is offering one very lucky reader of this review a copy of this book. Entry for book is easy, as usual, but requires my personal entertainment.
Comment must include your email and a quote. Quote can be from a book, movie, or your mother. Feel free to add as many as three comments with different quotes. They will all count as separate entries.
Any quote over the limited three will serve entertainment purposes only - which I am not wholly against.
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Contest ends June 9th.
Open to U.S. Residents including Arizona of Mexican descent, legal or not. Also open to Australians living in the U.S.
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Contest ends June 9th.
Must have physical address in the United States. No P.O. Boxes.
"Then why is the rum gone?" - Captain Jack Sparrow
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Book Junkie: http://myfoolishwisdom.blogspot.com/
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Taking Time For Mommy: http://takingtimeformommy.blogspot.com/
Readaholic: http://bridget3420.blogspot.com/
Jeanne's Ramblings: http://www.jeannesramblings.com
See Michelle Read: http://seemichelleread.blogspot.com/
My Five Monkeys: www.tableforseven-julie.blogspot.com
Gnostalgia: http://gnostalgia.wordpress.com/
A Journey of Books: http://ajourneyofbooks.halfzero.net/
My Book Addiction and More: http://mybookaddictionandmore.wordpress.com/
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The Bibliophilic Book Blog: http://www.bibliophilicbookblog.com/
Poisoned Rationality: http://lastexilewords.blogspot.com/
A Musing Reviews: http://www.amusingreviews.blogspot.com/
Booksie’s Blog: http://booksiesblog.blogspot.com/
Lucky Rosie’s: http://www.luckyrosiescreations.blogspot.com/
Book Junkie: http://myfoolishwisdom.blogspot.com/
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Books Gardens & Dogs: http://maryinhb.blogspot.com/
Taking Time For Mommy: http://takingtimeformommy.blogspot.com/
Readaholic: http://bridget3420.blogspot.com/
Jeanne's Ramblings: http://www.jeannesramblings.com
See Michelle Read: http://seemichelleread.blogspot.com/
My Five Monkeys: www.tableforseven-julie.blogspot.com
Gnostalgia: http://gnostalgia.wordpress.com/
A Journey of Books: http://ajourneyofbooks.halfzero.net/
My Book Addiction and More: http://mybookaddictionandmore.wordpress.com/
The Wayfaring Writer: http://moonsanity.blogspot.com/
Pick of the Literate: http://bookrevues.blogspot.com/
Cheryl’s Book Nook: http://cherylsbooknook.blogspot.com/
Avid Reader: http://www.tarmyblogspot.blogspot.com/
Starting Fresh: http://startingfresh-gaby317.blogspot.com/
I Heart Book Gossip: http://juniperrbreeeze.blogspot.com/
Knitting and Sundries: http://www.jewelknits.blogspot.com/
The Bibliophilic Book Blog: http://www.bibliophilicbookblog.com/
Poisoned Rationality: http://lastexilewords.blogspot.com/
A Musing Reviews: http://www.amusingreviews.blogspot.com/
Booksie’s Blog: http://booksiesblog.blogspot.com/
Lucky Rosie’s: http://www.luckyrosiescreations.blogspot.com/
Hi, I'm a new follower, please enter me in your Amazon Queen contest!
I'm not insane...my mother had me tested (Big Bang Theory).
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I'd love to enter.
"I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?"
Meet the Parents
lisa.2713 at gmail dot com
I'm a new follower. I'm intrigued by this book.
A quote: "Oodalalee." --Robin Hood, Disney version. lol
another quote: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up." --The Princess Bride
mhovley at gmail dot com
"I thought not. If this were a dream, there would be rum!"
Tee hee.
My personal favoritest quote of all time until I find another:
"I believe ye, Sassenach, but it would have been a good deal easier if you'd only been a witch."
"The first is never get involved in a land war in Asia. The second, only slightly lesser well known..." quote that I love is this:
"Stupid, shiny volvo owner."
Bella in Twilight.
Oh, I do love quotes. I could go on all the day long, but I will
"Stay on target, stay on target" (Star Wars)
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the raod and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~Bilbo (LoTR)
I couldn't help it. I had to give you just one more...
I am a follower.
"Sometimes people put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break then down." unknown.
caliblue7 at gmail dot com
Quote #2: "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart." Helen Keller.
caliblue7 at gmail dot com
Quote #3: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
caliblue7 at gmail dot com
I am a GFC follower of your blog. Here is my first quote:
"True friendship isn't being inseparable, it's being separated and nothing changes." Unknown
dakotasky55 at gmail dot com
Second Quote "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." ~e.e. cummings
dakotasky55 at gmail dot com
Third quote "Life is what you make it, always has been, always will be." Grandma Moses
dakotasky55 at gmail dot com
I have so many quotes I like, one is "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson.
I am a follower via GFC.
dianarod23 at gmail dot com
#2 quote - "A home without books is a body without soul."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
dianarod23 at gmail dot com
#3- "Wax on, Wax off." The Karate Kid.
dianarod23 at gmail dot com
I am a follower via GFC.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."
Henry David Thoreau
johnnystruckwash at gmail dot com
Another entry "Beer: The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems." The Simpsons
johnnystruckwash at gmail dot com
The last one "If you want to be happy, be" Leo Tolstoy.
johnnystruckwash at gmail dot com
Life is hard. It is harder if you're stupid.
I'm a new follower:-0
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!
What doesn't kill us...makes us stronger. (Our families motto:-)
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
Groucho Marx
"Somebody like you doesn't come along that often... in fact, there has never been anyone like you and there never will be. You're an ANGEL among us. Someone, whose eyes see what no others will ever see, whose ears hear what no others will ever hear, and whose perspective and feelings will never, ever be duplicated. Without YOU, the Universe, and all that it is, would sadly be less than it is." -- Michael Dooley :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
"When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that three of his fingers are pointing at himself." -- Louis Nizer
"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come." -- Chinese proverb
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