Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Blog Hop 8/20

Today's subject is followers. How many blogs do I follow?

If I answered that question, I would ultimately start justifying my time on the computer and pretty soon I'd be writing a novella.

Not going to go there.

Instead I'm going to encourage you to read. About me. Because I love to write on this subject. I already know all about Axis II and the DSM-IV (although I studied the DSM III-R).

Just this once, humor me. I wrote a beautiful piece on Quantum Physics on my personal blog. I have broken it down into such easy terms that Einstein would blush. I'd write a review but that seems rather self-absorbent, don't you think?

I prefer narcissistic. Or just plain needy.


{a}Musing Mother

Please validate me.


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Fabulous quantum musings, can't wait to read more :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am just popping in to say hello and enjoy the blog hop.

Katie said...

Hi! Hopping by from It's Time to Read! Have a good weekend ☺ Katie x

Janna said...

Found you via the Hop. Love your blog - I'm a new follower.

Enjoy your weekend!

CountessLaurie said...

You know I love you ... in a non-creepy, across the country kind of way...

(I feel like the kid in Incredibles - "I'm your #1 fan")