Speaking of fascinating, I just (like JUST closed the book) finished "Fallen" by Lauren Kate. It completely fascinated me. I picked it up at the school library during a red ribbon guest speaker which was 1) amazingly excellent and 2) I'm getting the credit for finding her. Right now I'm at the top of my game at work. Which is odd since I'm at odds with a close colleague. Apparently, a year ago I talked to another school counselor at another school who told me about this amazing guest speaker, a former Miss U.S.A. finalist, who had the kids captivated. I said I would love to have her come and speak at my school. Someone sent her an email (me?) and she called the head counselor (who doesn't like me right now) in September and told her I wanted her to come for Red Ribbon Week. Am I amazing, or what?
I just wish I remembered who, when, and where this conversation occurred.
Anyhoo, that's why I picked up this book. I was trapped in the librarian's cubby and started being all ADHD, picking up and looking at whatever book I could find. I'll probably skip book #2 since it doesn't tell the reader much. But I'm hoping book #3 is the final installment and will be at least as good as book #2.
If you are still with me after my little story, please whistle or nod you head.
This week I plan to read:
and I might get to (really hope I do):
I'm also waiting books to come and some of them I'm losing hope.
That's it! Read anything you loved?
I can't wait to read Fixing Delilah!
I got ya! I wat to read Fallen..need to get my hands on that...have a great week! My IMM is here: http://nikkibrandyberry.wordpress.com/
Excellent books this week! I'm hoping to read Annexed later this week as well. I hope you enjoy the books you do get to read this week! :) Happy reading!
You have some great looking books there so enjoy your week :)
Come see what in my mailbox
Oh Incarceron! You've got it! It was on my wishlist yesterday:D And I really like the Winter Bloom cover!
Here is my almost empty mailbox:http://misspageturnerscityofbooks.blogspot.com/2010/10/in-my-mailbox-3.html
Amazing books! If you want you can visit my IMM
I love Fallen! I can't wait to pick up Torment =)
Fixing Delilah sounds like such a sweet read, and I've heard lots of great things about Incarceron! I hope you enjoy your awesome new reads!
I'm on the fence about reading Fallen - I just don't want to be disappointed by another YA book with a fantastic cover. However, I can vouch for The Distant Hours. If you've read any of Kate Morton's other books then you know what to expect - gothic, mesmerizing mystery that never turns out the way you expect it to.
I can't wait to read Fixing Delilah and have decided against reading Fallen
Happy reading!
If you want to know what I got in my mailbox this week, check out my blog here-
Fixing Delilah looks super cute! I hope you enjoy it.
Oh! I loved Savvy and really want to read Scumble! Can't wait to see your review!
Check out my In My Mailbox!
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