My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Product Description: When Melinda Sordino's friends discover she called the police to quiet a party, they ostracize her, turning her into an outcast -- even among kids she barely knows. But even worse than the harsh conformity of high-school cliques is a secret that you have to hide.
My take: How have I missed reading this book? This is a fantastic book on sexual assault, depression, anxiety and healing. The book is rich with symbolism which enhances the book's ability to reach the reader. I loved the tree analogy and the way the beauty of a tree lies in the scars, the new growth, and resilience. I also loved the way the conflict is not magically resolved but a process taking time and effort is used. Although I did love the use of the mirror.
Very empowering and affirming in the process.
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I remember having to read this book in 9th grade. I really loved it!
I taught with this book. I taught 9th graders :)
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