My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
When Louise Lambert receives a mysterious invitation to a traveling vintage fashion sale in the mail, her normal life in suburban Connecticut is magically transformed into a time traveling adventure.
After a brief encounter with two witchy salesladies and donning an evening gown that once belonged to a beautiful silent film star, Louise suddenly finds herself onboard a luxurious cruise ship in 1912. As Alice Baxter, the silent film star, Louise enjoys her access to an extensive closet of gorgeous vintage gowns and begins to get a feel for the challenges and the glamour of life during this decadent era. Until she realizes that she's not just on any ship-- she's on the Titanic!
Will Louise be able to save herself and change the course of history, or are she and her film star alter ego, destined to go down with a sinking ship in the most infamous sea disaster of the 20th century?
My take: This was a little slow taking off but once Louise finds herself on the Titanic, a thoroughly enjoyable read. The historical facts are not exact and literary liberties are taken with the characters. However, this simply makes the book more enjoyable to read for the age group. The story is fun and filled with conflict. The protagonist is a 12 year old girl preparing for a middle school dance.
I can not, in good conscience, review this book without giving a huge standing ovation to the illustrator, a fashion designer. They are absolutely exquisite. I loved the period dress, including the maternal Mrs. John Jacob Astor.
Enjoyable read with historical components.
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